

Welcome to the Oxy campus website we're so glad that you've stopped by for a visit. As a prospective student we want you to know that we're looking forward to seeing you here with us. The links above provide some basic information about our organization, student life and contact information for groups that you may want to engage with here. Just below, is a small blue icon. Please click that image at any time if you'd like to engage with our concierge service  via live interactive video.

Students activities


You will find the latest information about us on this page. Our campus is constantly evolving and growing and we provide wide range of opportunities. Our mission is to provide you the best student experience. If you want to contact us, please click the blue contact link in the lower right corner. 



You will find that we have a wide variety of speicialists here on campus to assist with your specific needs.  Our school is listening to the needs of students and facutly and is committed meet as many of the individual requests as we can. Head on over to the contacts page to learn more or reach directly to us right now by clicking the blue contact link at the bottom of the page on the right side.