You are the center of our mission. Students drive many of the processes here at Oxymoron. Starting with curriculum, our goal is for you to have it your way.
Starting with the "join us" experience, we provide wide range of student entry experiences. The quickest, is to simply click the blue button below and be instantly connected via video to one of our student liasons. If you prefer more of a SMS experience, you can text us from your phone at (539) 201-0280. Or you can reach us old school via phone call.
If you decide to attend our campus, you will find a plethora of spaces deigned with you in mind. Simply login to your Zoom account, click workspaces, and choose the room that's right for you. Who knows, you may find that a friend is just next door.
Once you're there, use Zoom on your mobile device to scan the QR code and log right in. Your personal Zoom meetings, Zoom phone extension, wireless sharing and SO MUCH more are at your command.
Make the spaces you enter YOURS!
If you have any questions about this process or need a walkthrough, please click the little blue button to connect to our campus specialists.